Survivor History
Final Fantasy VII Survifour
What is Survivor? It's a Final Fantasy VII trivia game that happinessisnotafish brought to board=2000013 early in 2004. It worked a lot like the TV show Survivor. The players were split into two teams at the beginning. A group of questions was asked, and the first player to post the correct answers to the questions was declared the winner. The opposite team then had to vote a member off. Once there were only ten or so contestants left, there were no longer teams, and winning a round simply gave that player immunity for that round.
Happinessisnotafish hosted the first edition of Survivor, and it was simply called Final Fantasy VII Survivor. The final three came down to Safer Emerald, Bey, and Defcon999. It was then Bey and Defcon999 in the final vote, and Defcon999 somehow managed to win. It was rigged, if you ask me...<_<
After happiness's edition, Defcon999 hosted a second version called Survivair, the AIR being an abbreviation for Asshat Island Revisited. Asshat Island was the name given to the island the game took place on in happiness's edition. Defcon999 named it that after its shape, which I guess he saw from up above the island somehow. Lucky777, Bey, and lastchance were the last three remaining contestants in this edition, and the final round was lastchance versus Lucky 777. Lastchance won it, and was given the title Chief Asshat by Defcon999.
Bey then went on to host a third edition titled Survivaur, the AU being an abbreviation for Asshats Unleashed. Most of the original crew was back again for this third edition, but it was cut short by an unfortunate death in Bey's family, which lead to his disappearance from board=2000013. Wherever you are Bey, we miss you. I hope you'll come back to us some day, but in the meantime, good luck to you good sir.
Now, after a month or more break, Defcon999 is hosting the fourth edition of Survivor, this time titled Survifour, an obvious play on the fact that this is the fourth edition. Once again, most of the original crew is back, along with quite a few new users. What god-forsaken new rules and surprises are in store for the Asshats this time? Will the topic finally end up modded for off-topic? Will Bey make my summer and appear at the last second of the sign ups, or possibly come in as a Wild Card late in the gmae? Stay tuned, dammit, or there's no way you'll ever find out.
The following is the Survivair game history, pulled from my archives at excelerator's request:
Round I: ZeroX123 won immunity for the Mideel Team in the first round.
The challenge category was People. Darkness King was the first person voted off
of the island. Many posts of Mundane Chatter occurred, as did many confusing
alliance challenges. One general help question was asked and answered (…). A
vote was taken, and the contestants highly favored increasing the difficulty of
the questions. Seven out of twenty-five contestants were inactive for this
Round II: Themanwithmanybuttss won immunity for the Mideel Team. The
challenge category was Locations. Zedzilla was the second contestant to be voted
off of Asshat Island. Even more Mundane Chatter occurred, as did many more
chaotic alliance challenges. Several general help questions were answered. The
majority of contestants voted for the questions to be the same difficulty level,
and the majority also voted that they preferred the Seven Central start time.
Round III: SomeRandomGuy won immunity for the Junon team. The challenge
category was People. pkmstr101 was the third contestant voted off of the island.
Many more posts of Mundane Chatter, and numerous confusing alliance challenges.
No one asked a general help question (…). The contestants highly favored keeping
the question difficulty the same as Round III.
Round IV: Ambassodor won immunity for the Junon Team. The challenge category
was Locations. Caffeinemonk was the fourth contestant voted off of Asshat
Island. Many alliance challenges took place, as well as a lot of Mundane
Chatter. The Victory Point system was introduced, although it is only for
prestige. Virus gift got the first point. The contestants once again highly
favored keeping the questions at the same difficulty.
Round V: willythemailboy won immunity for the Junon Team. The challenge
category was scrambles. London Prophet was the fifth contestant voted off of
Asshat Island. Not much Mundane Chatter and not too many alliance challenges…but
a few general questions. Ambassodor won a Victory, and SomeRandomGuy won 28,489
Victories. The contestants once again voted to keep the same difficulty level.
Round VI: SomeRandomGuy answered my pathetic questions with astounding ease,
winning immunity for the Junon Team. The challenge category was IX) Mystery.
omegavivi was the sixth contestant voted off of Asshat Island. Mundane Chatter
was kept to a bare minimum, and once again, no one opted to ask a general help
question. Bey won a Victory. Once again, the contestants generally wanted to
keep the question difficulty at the same level.
Round VII: SomeRandomGuy won immunity for the Junon Team. The challenge
category was Enemies. Angus22 was the seventh contestant voted off of Asshat
Island. A bit more Mundane Chatter than usual, and a few alliance challenges
took place. No general game questions again. Bey and Ambassodor won a Victory
each, kaicel won two Victories, and lastchance won three. The same question
difficulty was once again highly favored. Round VIII:
themanwithmanybuttss won immunity for the Mideel Team. The challenge category
was Quotes. chaoticrage was the eighth contestant voted off of Asshat Island.
kaicel won two more Victories. A lot of Mundane Chatter, and one general help
question out of nowhere. Due to a vast number of IMs and Emails, the question
difficulty will be greatly reduced for Round IX.
Round IX: SomeRandomGuy won immunity for the Junon Team. The challenge
category was Equipment. dark mako was the ninth contestant voted off of Asshat
Island. A few random alliance challenges occurred, and a few general questions
were asked. The majority of the contestants were pleased by the decrease in
question difficulty.
Round X: lastchance won immunity for the Mideel Team.The challenge category
was Mystery. kaicel was the tenth contestant voted off of Asshat Island. A few
general questions were answered. This was the last round of Team Immunity. Two
test rounds were conducted using the new rules for Individual Immunity, and I
was fairly pleased with the results. The rules were posted at least three times,
so I will have no mercy on those who didn’t read them. Themanwithmanybuttss won
the honor of renaming the new group of Asshats. They are now known as The
Vampiric Butterfiles of Horrible Indigestion.
Round XI: SomeRandomGuy won immunity in the first Individual Immunity round.
The challenge category was Scrambles. meeee16782 was the eleventh contestant
voted off of Asshat Island. An unusually large amount of general questions were
asked. Very little Mundane Chatter, and only a few alliance questions.
Round XII: Mr Tuna won immunity in Round XII. The challenge category was
Locations. Safer Emerald was the twelfth contestant voted off of Asshat Island.
Once again, an unusual number of general help questions were answered. Very
little Mundane Chatter occurred, but there were a few alliance questions. Since
several contestants brought up moving Thursday night round times to Six Thirty
Central, a vote was taken. No one objected, so I will move the round
Round XIII: SomeRandomGuy won immunity for Round XIII. The challenge
category was VIII) Mix. FF123456789andmore was the thirteenth contestant voted
off of Asshat Island. This round was very quiet and uneventful, with almost no
Mundane Chatter and only a random general question or two.
Round XIV: ZeroX123 won immunity for Round XIV. The challenge category was
IX) Mystery. happinessisnotafish was the fourteenth contestant voted off of
Asshat Island. This round was just as quiet as Round XIII…
Round XV: Bey won immunity for Round XV. The challenge category was People.
Ambassodor was the fifteenth contestant voted off of Asshat Island. Several
general game help questions were discussed. An above average amount of Mundane
chatter occurred, mainly due to my four day suspension thanks to a “sensor
bypass” in my old sig. The board started to crumble in my absence, with no one
around to keep things running smoothly… </complete BS>. I started a new account,
just in case. If you see posts by Deuce ex Defcon, you can safely assume that
it’s me posting them. It’ll actually help me a lot with Survivair, because now I
can avoid those pesky flood-rules when I start up the new rounds.
Round XVI: lastchance won immunity for Round XVI. The challenge category was
Enemies. virus gift voluntarily sacrificed himself so that no one would be
ejected. Mundane Chatter occurred as usual, but no general help questions. Round
XVII: SomeRandomGuy won immunity for Round XVII. The challenge category was IX)
Mystery. willythemailboy was the seventeenth contestant voted off of Asshat
Island, due to his suicidal Scramble vote.
Round XVIII: SomeRandomGuy won immunity for Round XVIII. The challenge
category was IV) Items. OneAndOnlySephiroth was the eighteenth contestant voted
off of Asshat Island. The Wild Card Round was announced. The top three scoring
players in Round XX will be allowed reentry to Asshat Island, and uninvolved
players are welcome to compete as well.
Round XIX: MetalGearSolidBoy won immunity in Round XIX. The challenge
category was III) Equipment. ZeroZ123 was the nineteenth contestant voted off of
Asshat Island.
Round XX: This was the Wildcard Round. Two previously-ejected Survivairs
earned their way back onto Asshat Island, ZeroX123 and willythemailboy. A new
contestant also earned a spot on the Island, Lucky 777. There are now nine
current contestants. All nine of these contestants are eligible to vote for the
ejectee of all Rounds.
Round XXI: Bey won immunity in Round XXI. Mr Tuna decided to voluntarily
leave Asshat Island, so there was no ejectee for this Round. So many different
topics were discussed that it’s hard to list them all. Basically, the typical
Round XXII: lastchance won immunity in Round XXII. SomeRandomGuy was the
next contestant voted off of Asshat Island. There were a surprising amount of
general help questions discussed in this Round. I hope that number continues to
increase, ‘cause it gives my pathetic ass something to do.
Round XXIII: Bey won immunity in a three-way tie breaker. MetalGearSolidBoy
was the next ejectee. Quite a bit of game discussion in this Round, which is
always good.
Round XXIV: Bey won immunity again in Round XXIV. ZeroX123 was the next
contestant voted off of Asshat Island, as the trend of voting continues to
target the second-place contestant of each Round. Some more general game help
questions were discussed.
Round XXV: Bey won immunity for the third Round in a row. Willythemailboy
was once again voted off of Asshat Island. Four contestants remain. Once it is
down to three contestants, the rules will have a slight variation thrown in.
Round XXVI: Themanwithmanybuttss was eliminated from the final
four, and Bey, Lucky 777, and lastchance advanced into the final Rounds.
Highly Ineffective Cotton Candy Snorkels will be given out for every correct
answer in the final Rounds, and the contestants with the most of them at the end
will advance.
Round XXVII: Bey was eliminated from the final three, as lastchance
and Lucky 777 had more Highly Ineffective Cotton Candy Snorkels at the end of
the Round.
Round XXVIII: Lastchance defeated Lucky 777 in the final Round and
was proclaimed Chief Asshat. Plans are in the works for our good friend
Bey to host the next edition of FFVII Survivor.