Game Rules
Final Fantasy VII Survifour
Can't have a game without at least some rules, right? And anyone that knows me well also knows that I'm a stickler for rules. Survifour is still under development, but here is the current game outline and some basic rules:
(Note that any major changes from previous editions are in bold.)
Before the first Round, I will split the players into two teams as evenly as possible. At the start of each Round, I will post a group of questions. During team play, the first player to post the correct answer to all of the questions in a single post will win immunity for their team that Round. The opposing team will then have to vote off one of their players. Voting will be done through Email ( or through AIM (Defcon9Nine9) only. Votes on the board will not be counted.
The winner of the team Rounds will be immune for the next time that team loses. For example, if MGSB answers all of the questions in a single post for Round one before anyone else, he will be immune from voting the next time his team loses.
After about half of the players have been voted off, the teams will no longer be used. Immunity for each Round will go to the first player who posts the correct answers to all of the questions in a single post, or if a point system is started, immunity will go to the player with the most points at the end of the Round (all ties will be broken with at least one more question). Voting will still be the same.
I highly doubt this will happen in the team Rounds, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen in the individual immunity Rounds if I start a point system. In the event of a same time post, I will break it with at least one more question. It'd be too cheap to just give it to the person who got theirs in first. Or would it...? Eh...Hopefully it doesn't come up...
I will never ask trick questions on purpose, period. Never. If there's a question that looks like it's a trick, think a little harder. If it really does turn out to be a trick and I posted it on accident or wasn't thinking clearly, I'll punch myself in the junk for you. I promise.
Note, however, that there is a difference between trick questions and weird questions. For example, a question may say:
"You get the first Ziedrich by stealing it from Rude in the Gelnika. You get the second one by stealing it from him in Rocket Town. How do you get the third Mystile?"
This question is A TRICK, but it's not A TRICK QUESTION, if you follow me. Whether I posted it like that on purpose or not will be irrelevant. If that's how the question ended up, then you must tell me how to get the third Mystile to be correct. If you tell me how to get the third Ziedrich, it won't count, as that's not what I asked, whether intentionally or not. This type of question may appear on purpose, just to amuse me and make sure people are still reading the rules and all of each question. I'm one sick bastard, I know.
Now THIS is a trick question:
"How much GP will you get for trading in a Command Counter materia in the chocobo races?"
That would qualify as a trick question, since you cannot win Command Counter in the races. Even if I put Command Counter in there by mistake, it still makes the question invalid, and therefore a trick. The answer cannot be "Zero: you, can't win it" or anything like that. Saying "Trick question" will also not be necessary. The only time I will ask a question like this will be on accident. If that happens, simply ignore the question entirely. But make sure it's a trick before you do that, because it will be an extremely rare incident for me to accidentally post a trick question.
I almost always have a few rules to keep in mind for each Round, and I'll post them at the top of the post that has the questions in it. Tons of people have been burnt from not reading them, so make sure you do. A lot of times, they will narrow the possible answers to some of the questions, and help avoid some questions being "trick".
Perfectly legal. So is asking friends, and so is asking on the board, although no one's ever tried that...Playing the game is fine too. In fact, some of the questions later in the game will be impossible for most players to answer without using one of those things. Especially quotes and location names.
If a question asks for more than one answer, all of the correct answers must be given to receive credit. This may come into play if I instate a point system like I did in the previous edition I hosted and my old Alliance Challenges.
Individual immunity rounds will use the Point System. It is no longer necessary to post all of the correct answers in a single post. The player who posts the correct answer to each question first will be awarded the points for that question. Once someone gets enough points so that no one else can catch them, the round is over. I will break any ties with an additional question (or several). Same-time posts, should they come up, will give any player that posted at that time the points. I just think that's the fairest way to do it.
I don't really mind if you're an ass to the other players, as this will likely get you voted off rather quickly. But please people, don't be an ass to the few random users that pop in to ask for game help. Even if their question is painfully obvious, even if it could easily be found in any of the FAQs, even if it's been answered in the first five topics on the board. Either help them or keep your damn mouths shut. Don't make fun of them, don't tell them to check a FAQ. If you don't like their question, leave it alone and one of the other Asshats will answer it. I get enough crap from idiot GameFAQ users as it is, and I don't need you giving me even more bad references by giving Survivor a bad name. Which brings me to this:
The same policy goes for trolls. It's happened before. A lot of people on the VII board don't like me, and I get all sorts of stupid Emails and IMs. If some stooge starts posting crap in the Survivor topic, just ignore them entirely, wish them a Merry Christmas...or something. Don't flame them back or anything stupid like that. Simply ignore them and let me take care of it. I still have some serious sway on GameFAQs, and if necessary, I'll send any trolls straight to hell. Like AlyoshaK.
This version is still in the works, so I withhold the right to change and/or add/remove rules at any time. I will make sure that I notify the contestants of any changes though, so don't think you need to keep a close eye on this page or anything to make sure I don't trick you. As long as you watch the Survivor topics, you'll be fine.