Contestant Information
Final Fantasy VII Survifour
Just how far can boredom go? Behold: The Survifour contestant information page. All you Asshats out there can feel free to fill out your own little information pages (try to format them like mine so I have to do as little work as possible. I'm one lazy sack of crap) and Email them to me at Don't say anything too inappropriate, dammit. I don't want to have to edit any thing.
grand lethal 364
Name: Jake
Age: 15, birthday is May 24,
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada. (go canucks go!)
Aspires To Be: a marine biologist
Hobbies: Reading (mainly fantasy novels), FF, swimming, mountain biking.
GameFAQs: I only frequent three boards (currently): FFVII general, FFVII
AC, and RPGs Squaresoft.
Survivor: Survifour is my first ever survivor and I don't expect to get
very far, but hey, as long as I'm havin' fun, who cares.
Interesting fact: goes to school with happinessisnotafish, the original
creator of the survivor saga. Incidentally, we had science class together last
Contact: is my usual e-mail address. Basically the
same thing on AIM too: grandlethal364.
Name: Benjamin David Arcand
Age: 15, birthday is 10/13/88
Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin. Yup, I'm a cheesehead >_>
Major: None, I'm jobless.
Hobbies: Football, biking, and gaming. Most of the time I blow my life on
RPGs such as FFVII, Star Ocean 2, and RPG Maker. However, I find that Metal Gear
Solid, Devil May Cry, Smash Bros. Melee, and Medal of Honor games give me cheap
pleasure as well.
GameFAQs: I usually waste time on the FFVII General Board, but lately
I've been messing around in the Star Ocean 2 board. Sometimes I help a few CC
gamers (or get help myself). I check out the MGS boards to see if there's
anything interesting, but there isn't. Anyway, I don't think I'm a noteworthy
individual of the boards, but that's because I'm pretty much socially
Survivor: I joined the second edition of Survivor, Survivair, as the
long-haired wonder Tseng. I hate how I can never make it on-time to rounds, all
thanks to my older brother. I like the game quite a bit, but don't expect me to
last very long. Well, what do you care?
Contact: You can e-mail me at Or, talk about crap with me at my 2 AIM names...Ben101388
and JasonColt88.
Name: Victor (vicman for friends)
Age: 27, birthday is 12/16/1977
Location: Right now, Columbia, Maryland. Born in Barranquilla, Colombia,
South America (god bless Barranquilla).
Major: Civil Engineer.
Hobbies: Video Games (rpg's, fighting games and some platform games),
collect video games (right now massive collection on ps1 and snes rare rpg's and
starting on ps2), read faqs. Movies, music and books (mostly mystery and crime
but fantasy books are allowed) are other hobbies.
GameFAQs: Whatever game I'm on I'll be in that board. I'm usually on
since 8 am to 6 pm m-f (during work hours).
Survivor: I tried on the second version of survivor hosted by Defcon999
but only lasted until round 10. Also joined Bey's edition. Hope to make it to
the last round in this edition.
Name: Colin
Age: 14, birthday is 2/12/90
Location: Mobile Alabama
Hobbies: Playing Guitar, Videogames, Music, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd
GameFAQs: I hang out mostly on the SB and gameplay boards at GameFAQs. I
sometimes go to LUE, but it has become (or always has) been a cess-pool. My
favorite user is SineNomine.
Survivor: I signed up in the last round (the one Bey did) but was
disappointed when he cut it short. So I'm back for another round.
Contact: is
my Email Address. You can also flag me down on the boards and on AIM
Name: Trevor Alexander
Age: 14
Location: North Vancouver, BC
Hobbies: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, hockey, lacrosse, writing
GameFAQs: FF7 - General and Social, Con-Quest, Lord of the Rings, Harry
Lurks at: Almost every board on this site
Survivor History: I first joined Survivor in the second rendition. I did
pretty damn good (much thanks to my experience in previous trivias). Eight
immunities >_>
About me: I'm pretty smart for my age. I finished the Canadian
requirements for math by the end of Grade 8 (getting 117% in Math 12). I'm also
halfway finished writing a novel, though I doubt I'll bother to try to get it
published. One of my brothers (18) currently attends the University of BC, and
the other (16) will likely play hockey for the Swift Current Broncos.
Name: Robbie
Age: 15, My birthday is 9/17/1989
Location: North Burnaby, BC, Canada.
Major: My best subject right now is drama.
Hobbies: I do many things. I play various video games, watch reality
shows, go to Gensou and GameFAQs, Go to Metrotown with friends and just
generally chill when I'm not in school or hard at work >_> GameFAQs: I don't
frequent any board anymore... I only go to about 2 or 3 boards a day if even
that. Those being: Final Fantasy VII Gen, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and
whatever else sparks my interest on that particular day. I also have an
alternate account named: Random Blitzball 34. I created it because.... everyone
else had an alternate account... and I just wanted to fit in >_>
Survivor: I made the first Survivor *Please hold your applause*... which
had no funky, quirky, messed-up, secret message names like SurvivAIR.... and
those other names >_> It was still very shaky when I did it... As I never set a
time for the rounds they just happened on random days at random times. Also I
didn't do a wildcard round or anything. After that was all said and done and
Deuce was crowned the winner of the first then the sign ups for the second
edition began hosted by non-other than: Deuce. He of course fixed up everything
that I had done wrong and polished it up like a shiny penny. I got quite far but
then lost due to my lack of skill back then. The third edition was hosted by Bey,
but for serious reasons it ended very quickly. Survifour... ahh no there was a
good one... back to being hosted by Deuce, I think this Survivor was the best. I
made it kind of far but do to 467 Critical Spyware infections I could not
participate >_> .... Now Rhapsody and OneandOnly are holding the fifth edition,
and only time will tell if it will kick ass... or fall flat on its ass.
Contact: e-mail me if I'm not on MSN. Also I
go to several message boards where you can reach me under the user name: Cait
Sith (These being Gensou, Flux, and GameFAQs Exploits) Also if you really are in
a rush to contact me you can make an account at and send me a
message via my username: leviathan17 ...That is all.
Name: Brett
Age: 15
Location: In Texas, at home, on GameFAQS ;_;
Aspires to Be: Detective
GameFAQs: FFVII General, Samurai Warriors, LUE, TO, and Rolplaying
and Fanfiction(Lurk)
Survivor: I've been here since the beginning, sick man in tube every
Hobbies: Omg lazy...Lets see, Football, Wrestling, Listening to Music,
GameFAQs, Video games, talking to Deffy...etc...
Contact: Email: MSN: AIM:
Lucky 777
Name: Polk, a.k.a. Josh
Age: 18, born on 9/28/85
Location: Mackinaw, Illinois
Major: None as of right now, possibilities include journalism and
computer programming
Hobbies: Mostly playing games, part of a Halo team named Diamond Recon.
Do some writing on the side.
User Names: Lucky 777, Sir Lucky the Mage
GameFAQs: I made my beginnings 4 years ago on the FFVII board,
back in the days without social boards and with 1000 post topics. From there I
migrated to the Roleplaying and Fanfiction board and The Couch, where I now post
every now and then.
Survivor: I made my debut in the second edition, entering as a wild card
and taking second place.
Contact:, alphajssomega (AIM), alphajssomega (Yahoo)
Name: Charles
Age: 16, March 22, 1988
Location: Texas
Hobbies: Football team and basketball team, playing any game I can get my
hands on...
Gamefaqs: Mostly lurk boards and offer help >_> <_<
Survivor: Just signed up for the recent one, Survifour?
Fact: I'm Viet and do nothing but play games all the time... even with
Contact: (also MSN Messenger), AIM: AznsPwnzJoos
Message me any time if you want help or just to talk about something especially
Name: Phil
Age: 17
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Hobbies: Soccer, bball, video games
GameFAQs: Catch me on FF7 General from time to time and KH2 social
Survivor History: Joined in the second survivor. Don't know how I won.
Gotta love luck!
About me: I'm Asian and proud of it! Honour student, but I never do
homework. That's why I can post on the Survivour topics me thinks. As of now
(June), I'm dealing with finals
Contact: You can reach me at or AIM me at
Black Rhapsody
Name: Kim
Age: 15. birthday is 7/16/1988
Location: Stavanger, Norway
Interests: Videogames, music (mostly metal and rock), sports, cycling,
playing guitar, comics (Pondus and Nemi) and model painting.
Surivor: My first, due to the fact that I joined the GF boards just
Boards: Mostly hangs around the FFVII general board. Can occasionally be
seen at the GTA:VC and KH boards.
Contact: You can e-mail me at, or if you have MSN, my screen name will be SouthHouse.
Name: Cory
Age: 18, birthday is 6/7/1986
Home Town: Mahopac, New York
College: Colgate University, in Hamilton, New York. Gate House.
Major: Theater. Or maybe something that's actually educational. If I go
with the one at the top of the list, I would be majoring in "Africana Studies,"
so actually making a choice seems like the right thing to do. Don't suggest the
one at the bottom of the list, either- that's "Women's Studies," and no, it's
not as interesting as it sounds.
Hobbies: Uh. I like video games, I read too many online comics, and I
don't have much of a life- in fact, most of it revolves around useless message
boards dedicated to said video games. Bey enjoys acting, you know, as well never
going out in the sun.
User Names: Well then. Here, I'd enlighten you all with some nice story
about how I got my user name, but I really don't have one. When I was four I saw
a pony named Bey, though I only remembered this after I got the name, and unless
it was my mind's attempt at telling me I'd like to be a horse, I don't think it
influenced me very much. This also happens to be my only account at GameFAQs,
and I use the same name at the various GameFAQs-related boards I belong to. says "Bey" was the title given to a ruler in the former kingdom
of Tunis, and I guess that's pretty darn cool. I'm also known as Bey on the few
online games I'm registered for, but don't expect to ever find me. Being rather
rabidly against ever using numbers in names, I'll go as Beyedjunk before
Bey38787412infinityness, just in case you're suspicious.
GameFAQs: You will only find me at board=2000013, where I'll just answer
questions and be random in the Survivor topics. I rarely shy away to any other
boards, and I stay far, far away from the FFVII SB. They frighten me over there.
Survivor: Yep, this is where Bey became a household name! Okay, maybe not
to that extent, but the only reason people know me is because of Happiness'
original Survivor game. Coming in second didn't hurt too much either. Third in
Defcon's SurvivAIR, and then came my own version, SurvivAUr, though I regret to
say I had to shut it down after only a few rounds due to some personal issues. I
plan on joining Survifour during the Wild Card Round, and I shall forever be
listed as Reeve.
Contact: - I suggest only using this if you can't get me
any other way. Posting in Survifour, IMing me at Beyedjunk on AIM, or searching
me out on another board are much better ways of contacting me.
The Don Killuminati
Name: Quentin
Age: 15.
Location: South Carolina, believe me this is not something that I'm proud of...
Major: Finishing High School.
User Names: The Don Killuminati, thats it for most boards except EoFF where it
is The Magus. Currently my GameFAQs username is Don The Dead User due to a
suspension from hijacking RI. >_>
GameFAQs: I frequent FFVII General, Squaresoft RPGs, and several other RPG game
boards. Latest Board to call home: FABLE
Survivor: Played in Deuce's second edition, Was originally signed up for Bey's,
and later made my "Reentry" In #4's Wild card round.
Contact: or or
*phew* My AIM is either dukedevil99 or nitneuq1337. Post anytime on Gensou and I
will respond like a fanboy to a new release.