Square Button Trick (Manipulating the Battle Square slots)

WARNING:  This page contains SPOILERS for Final Fantasy VII.




As the slots spin, press Square. The slots will disappear from the screen as long as you continue to hold the button. When you let go of Square, the slots will resume spinning at the same spot where they stopped spinning. So, get the timing right and you can press and then let go, press and then let go, press again and so on. Once you're good at it, you can make the slot move forward one choice at a time. Memorize the order that the three choices appear. Then spin the slots to the choice Before the one you want. Then let go of Square and immediately press Circle. You should get the slot you were after.

It's all in the timing. Just practice.  Once you're good at it, you'll never have to worry about getting screwed by a bad slot again.




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